Different languages, different cultures, but spanning the same continent: two animation studios - Silver Ant Sdn Bhd ( SA ) and Polygon Pictures Incorporated ( PPI ) - have joined forces to form Silver Ant PPI (SAPPI), re-branded as Polygon Pictures Malaysia (PPM) in 2022.
These two animation studios are well-known in their respective countries, Malaysia and Japan. This robust collaboration allows them to exchange technology, knowledge, expertise and training.
Polygon Pictures Malaysia profits from this mutual exchange with an exceptional understanding of industry trends and an effective production pipeline.
PPM was formed to cater to third-party clients worldwide, providing highly professional services in animated TV series and feature film production. It is not easy to make the clients' demands reality, as the visual expectations of clients continue to rise, but we are dedicated to thrilling clients with the quality of the end product.
We believe that all artists should be exposed to new technologies and be given guided freedom and opportunities to grow, and that the best way to turn out a high quality of work is through sharing of experience and training. We aim to have up to 150 skilled international/local artists within a short period of time. The strength of our team and technology positions us to undertake projects from global third-party clients, helping to put Malaysia on the map as an outsourcing destination for animation and CG.